Das Aufregende ist, dass mit der weltweit steigenden Kaufkraft der Verbraucher auch der Verzehr von Milchprodukten zunimmt. Am stärksten steigt die Nachfrage in Indien und China, wo die jüngere Generation fest von den gesundheitlichen Vorteilen von Milch überzeugt ist. Doch Innovation und Wachstum beschränken sich längst nicht nur auf diese Märkte.
Obwohl es sich bei der Milchwirtschaft um eine etablierte Branche handelt, bieten sich auch hier noch jede Menge Möglichkeiten zur Diversifizierung. Die Vorlieben und Bedürfnisse der Verbraucher verändern sich ständig. Das bietet Ihnen die Chance, verschiedene Zielgruppen anzusprechen, z. B. mit proteinreichen und nahrhaften Getränken für den medizinischen Gebrauch, laktosefreier Milch oder ungekühltem Ambient-Joghurt.
In unseren Komplettlösungen zur effizienten Optimierung Ihrer Milchproduktion stecken mehr als 70 Jahre Erfahrung in der Milchwirtschaft. Wenn Sie uns Ihr Vertrauen schenken, können wir Ihr Geschäft optimieren und ihm eine führende Rolle in der dynamischen Milchwirtschaft sichern.
Die meisten Hersteller von Milchprodukten sind heutzutage praktisch gezwungen, neue Produkte zu entwickeln, die höchste Produktqualität zu liefern und die Umweltbelastung zu reduzieren – ohne dabei Kompromisse bei der Lebensmittelsicherheit zu machen.
Ausreichend Raum für Innovation findet sich auch bei der Art und Weise, wie Sie Ihre Milchprodukte verarbeiten. Vielleicht interessieren Sie sich für einen Umstieg von einem eher energieintensiven Wärmebehandlungssystem auf ein modernes und wirtschaftliches System wie die indirekte Erhitzung mit Wärmerückgewinnung? Unsere Lösungen zielen darauf ab, den Energie- und Wasserverbrauch sowie das Abfallaufkommen zu senken.
Continuous in-line or manual batch, our blending solutions make sure your products feature consistent flavour, colour, texture and other key characteristics.
Buffer tanks balance processes by temporarily storing product on the line. Our tanks for aseptic and non-aseptic products boost efficiency and cut product loss.
Whether you separate milk or remove particles from juice, you’ll get excellent product quality, efficiency and flexibility from our separation equipment.
Our CIP equipment is known for its high accuracy. This means faster cleaning, greater uptime, lower utilities consumption, and less risk of food safety issues.
Colours, flavours, vitamins and more benefit from aseptic dosing. Our dosing solutions meet any need – from same-ingredient dosing to injections before filling.
Ensuring process efficiency and continuous flow are big challenges in evaporation. As a leading equipment producer, we have what it takes to meet your needs.
Heat treatment is critical for food safety, product quality, and cost-effective, sustainable processing. Our solutions ensure consistently high-quality results.
Perfecting homogenisation takes the right technology, optimally configured and operated. Discover our reliable, cost-effective and sustainable solutions.
Consumers want perfect products every time, and mixing is a key part of ensuring this. Our extensive line of equipment will help you master this critical step.
All common dairy processes utilise membrane filtration directly or indirectly. Our portfolio comprises a wide range of proven systems and membrane types.
Pasteurisation makes products safe, extends shelf life, reduces spoilage and can even alter characteristics. Our low-TCO solutions will meet your every need.
Spray drying extends product shelf life, while reducing weight and volume. Explore our industry-leading spray dryers for dairy and plant-based products.
Speed and precision are critical in product standardisation. Sophisticated instruments enable our systems to deliver great results and save on ingredients.
UHT treatment is about temperature and time. Our direct-treatment option gives you high product quality, while indirect treatment maximises cost-efficiency.
The world’s fastest carton packaging machine up to 40,000 p/h., supported by eBeam technology.
The first aseptic filling machine for family packages equipped with eBeam sterilisation technology. Capacity: 15,000 Tetra Brik® Aseptic 1000 Edge packages p/h.
Aseptic filling machine with high package output, low operational cost and high food safety (unique aseptic process FDA filed).
Compact 4.3m high, 20m² footprint design for any production space. Unique FDA-filed aseptic process for the highest food safety, flexibility and optimised footprint.
Easy conversion between different family package shapes, sizes and many different closures. High food safety (unique aseptic process FDA filed).
Highly cost-efficient production with dual speed selection with production capacity range from 4,000 – 15,000 p/h (depending on package volume). Easy conversion between different package sizes.
Reliable, low-cost, high uptime system. Produces Tetra Wedge® Aseptic 125/200 ml Slim, 150 ml Ultra, or 110/180 ml underfills.
Production capacity up to 17,500 p/h gives low unit cost in this reliable machine, which is simple for one person to operate. Easy package conversion between 5 sizes.
Two machine variants that enable easy switching between short shelf life and ESL production. And between Tetra Brik® 900 and 450 Ultra Edge packages.
World first carton filling machine available in pasteurised version or XH version, equipped with eBeam sterilisation system. And first machine to run Tetra Brik® portion packs at 9,000 p/h.
Designed for Tetra Brik® 100 S. Ideal for sensitive, oxygen-reactive products. Features advanced automation capabilities.
Tetra Pak® TT/3 XH IC. Dual filling machine for Tetra Top packages with One Step Opening and integrated capping unit.
Flexible, low-maintenance dual machine with One Step Opening for Tetra Top® packs. And a built-in capping unit that saves up to 20% floor space.
Tetra Pak® TT/3 AD IC Fills 9000 packs/hour from two lines and produces 500 ml Midi packages optimized for water. 12 months shelf life in ambient distribution.
Low cost, user-friendly, high performance filler machine for chilled distribution. Produces 6500 gable top packages p/h.
High-performing filler that produces Tetra Rex® gable top cartons for chilled products. Reduces food waste and cuts costs.
Tetra Pak® TR/28 Extended Hygiene, filling machine producing Tetra Rex gable top cartons for chilled products.